Opening hours:

1 June – 31 August

Thursday – sunday : 10.00 – 16.00

Monday, tuesday – closed!


1.09 – 31.05

opened when pre-booked



Peipsimaa – with its different cultures, nations, picturesque coastal villages, holy sanctums, an icon painting, samovars, onions, cucumbers, fish, a lake, interesting museums and fairs.


Peipsimaa Museum unites that all. It is possible to get acquainted with old-believers’ household, church and kitchen culture, icon painting and the life of Lake Peipsi. There is a special exposition dedicated to world famous icon painter Pimen Sofronov, who descends from the nearby village.


There is also a room for workshops (icon painting, making of Ivan Chai and boiled sugar etc). It is possible to buy Peipus’ souvenirs and handicraft, Ivan Chai and tasteful local sweets.

With the COVID-19 safety label, trusted to us by Jõgeva County Development and Entrepreneurship Centre, we confirm that we follow the requirements and instructions of the Government and the Health Board of Estonia established for our field of activity, we keep up to date with the information and help visitors to comply with the virus prevention rules on site

Old Believers

The Old Believers (starovéry) are Eastern Orthodox Christians who maintain the liturgical and ritual practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church as they existed...


A samovar (Russian: самовар; literally ``self-brewer``) is a heated metal container traditionally used to heat and boil water in Russia. Since the heated water is typically...

Icon Painting

The art of icon painting is inherited by Old Russia from Byzantine after conversion of Russians to Christianity in 988 by Prince Vladimir. In the XI...

Pimen Safronov

The name of artist-icon painter Pimen Sofronov, originated from Tiheda Village, is written with golden letters on the altar of world culture. According to experts...

Prayer Houses

The Union of Old Believer Parishes of Estonia was restored in 1995. Now there are almost 15 thousands Old Believers by birth in Estonia. There are...


The cuisine of Estonian Old Believers is very simple and tasteful. Home-made, simple food brings us back to the roots and beholds the tastes of legacy...

02.07.2019 Blessing of Peipsimaa Museum

Supporters and cooperating partners

Peipsimaa Museum is very grateful to its supporters and cooperating partners!